Covid Update September 12 2022

Kia Ora As you are likely aware the government has announced that at midnight tonight we are moving to a New long-term strategy for managing COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand. This

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Announcement : 


The Emmanuel Christian Board of Trustees have set the uniform requirements for the school.  This is managed by delegation to the Principal.

General Appearance

  • Pupils are required to be clean and tidy, and dressed in accordance with the school uniform.
  • All items of uniform should be clearly and securely named.


Shoulder length or longer must be tied back with either a blue, black or red hair tie or ribbon. Bold or unnatural colours / streaks in hair etc. are not permitted. Natural looking dyes or highlights are permitted.

Shaved heads are not permitted unless prior approval has been sought from the Principal.

Jewellery / adornments and makeup

One plain stud or sleeper (gold or silver) in each ear, a watch, a single necklace or pounamu are the only jewellery items that may be worn. Any studs or necklaces must be of a design compatible with the school’s special character. Bangles, rings, ankle bracelets and other items of jewellery or adornment are not permitted.

Makeup is not to be worn by students in Years 1-6. This includes nail polish (other than clear unseen nail polish).

Years 7-10 may wear skin coloured lipstick, skin coloured facial makeup etc., excessive make-up usage will result in the students being sent to the office for make-up removal. Nail polish (other than a clear unseen polish) is not to be worn.

Uniform is supplied by Mainland Uniforms, Wairakei Road

Our uniforms are supplied by Mainland Uniforms.  You can view and shop online at  You will find Emmanuel Christian School listed under the Primary Schools section (Year 1-6) and High Schools (Y7-10)  (on the left), here you will be able to purchase the correct uniform for all year groups.  These can also be purchased from their shop at 511 Wairakei Road.

To buy and sell second-hand uniform join the parents group on Facebook: Emmanuel Christian School Chch NZ – Parents Group


If you are worried your child may feel cold during breaks outside, we suggest they wear some warm base layers.  Long sleeved merino or thermal tops worn against the skin will help keep them cosy and warm.  Please ensure any base layers are not visible outside the uniform and try to keep them as close to the uniform colour as possible (eg white thermal top for girls and navy for boys).

Students may wear plain navy leggings or trackpants as part of the Sports Uniform on Fridays on cold days.

The Blazer

The Blazer is optional for our seniors in Years 9 & 10 and is ordered through the school Office.
The cost for a blazer is $201.25

Mufti Days (non-uniform days)

Attire is to be clean, tidy and modest. No logos or images inconsistent with the school’s special character should be visible.

Sports Uniform

Sports uniforms (PE uniforms) are compulsory from Year 4 to 10, and optional for students in Year 3 and below. A sports uniform is not required for younger students but may be worn if parents choose. Each Friday Year 1-6 students may attend school all day in compulsory PE uniform. Sports style shoes are worn with the Sport/PE uniform.


  • Girls shoes are black leather style, T-bar, lace-up or velcro
  • Boys shoes are black leather style, lace-up or velcro
  • Roman Sandals are black leather style. These may be worn during summer terms 1 and 4 by both boys and girls.

Update on Middle School (Year 7-10) Uniform

In 2022 we had to make some changes to the Middle School Uniform, as due to issues with supply and minimum ordering volumes, some items of our uniform were not available for us to buy going forward.
The items which are no longer available to us are the Middle School boys light blue summer and winter shirts and the Middle School girls winter blouse.

The boys have now moved to white shirts. 
An open-neck short-sleeved white shirt for summer and a long-sleeved button-up white shirt for winter.  
The girls have moved to a plain white tuck-in blouse for winter.  The girls summer blouse will not change.

There will be a four year transition period where students will be able to continue to wear the current shirts or blouse which will take us through to the end of 2025. 
From 2026 onwards the new styles will be the only styles students can wear.

The new white shirts are available from Mainland Uniforms.  

If you have any queries please contact the ECS Office.


Summer Uniform Year 1-6 (Front) and Year 7-10 (Rear)

Year 4-10 Compulsory PE Uniform

Winter Uniform Years 1-6

Middle School Uniform

Middle School Summer Uniform (Years 7 – 10).  Please note, boys may wear either the white or light blue shirt until the end of 2025.  From 2026 only the white shirt can be worn.


Middle School Winter Uniform (Years 7 – 10) – please note, boys may wear the light blue or white winter shirt until the end of 2025.  From 2026 they must wear the white winter shirt only.


Mainland Uniform
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